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January 2023

Hello everyone! I hope that the start of 2023 has been wonderful for all of you! On behalf of all the members of Roses and Rivets, I’d like to thank you all for your continued support and wish you a great new year! We have some very exciting updates for you all. Firstly, we attended a FIRST Tech Challenge tournament just this past weekend! After a lot of hard work leading up to the tournament, our robot was quite successful. It could pick up cones and place them on junctions of three different heights, drive smoothly in all directions, and park in locations we assigned it to. At the tournament, Julia Banuelos was the primary driver of the robot, and I (Milo Lu Castronovo) was the secondary driver. Elizabeth Wiesbrock acted as the coach in the competition, and Isabel Szerdy was the human player (meaning she placed game pieces during the competition). Annika Nilsson, Ava Grochowski, Sage Mosely, and Julia Banuelos worked on hardware. Isabel Szerdy, Elizabeth Wiesbrock, Anne Jumper, and I worked on software. The engineering portfolio, which documents our design and building process, was completed by Isabel Szerdy, and Anne Jumper created the poster board, which we presented to the judges. We competed against 15 other teams at our tournament, and although we didn’t qualify to continue to the next round of competitions, we all had a great time and were really proud of what we and our robot accomplished. On another note, our website has been officially revamped and can be viewed here! Moving forward, our primary goal will be recruitment. Since the majority of the team is seniors and will be graduating next year, we wanted to find some younger girls to take over the team. We’ll be reaching out to any middle school robotics teams, as well as our school coding clubs and classes to find people who are interested. Overall, we wanted to thank you all for your support throughout this Roses and Rivets season. It means the world to us. Thank you all! Roses and Rivets, All-Girls Robotics Team Milo Lu Castronovo, Head of Communications

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