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November 2022

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for continuing to support Roses and Rivets Robotics! We are excited to update you all on our progress from last month and our plans going forward.

Firstly, we have decided on a tournament date! We are signing up for a tournament on January 28th. It will be our first in-person tournament in the past couple of years (because of constraints due to the pandemic), and we couldn’t be more excited to be fully back competing.

As for what we’ve been doing the past few months, the hardware team has continued to work on the linear slider, making strong, steady progress. They have also worked to improve the main base of the robot, making it sturdier and move more smoothly. The software team has finished coding all the main mechanisms for the robot: driving, the linear slider, and the claw. Software is currently working on coding the color sensor. We hope to use the color sensor during the autonomous (self-driving) period to identify the color of a cone and then drive to a corresponding location. This is a very difficult task but would earn us a lot of points.

We have also gotten some new supplies which we are thrilled about. We have gotten new phones, which are used for the robot control system. Upgrading to new phones has already been extremely helpful. We also ordered a half fieldset. This means we have the equipment and field that is used in the tournaments, which is very important for testing our robot, and ensuring that everything works according to our plans.

Thank you all again for following and cheering on Roses and Rivets, we will continue to update you as we prepare for our tournaments, and we’ll let you know how the competitions go.

Thank you and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Roses and Rivets, All-Girls Robotics Team,

Milo Lu Castronovo, Head of Communications

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