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Winter 2020

Hello Everyone,

Below is a description of our progress within the past few months!

On the hardware/mechanical side of the team, we have been hard at work building the chassis (which is the base of the robot), a spinning intake (used to bring in various game elements), a shooting mechanism (to shoot ring out the front of the robot into targets), and more! Other members of the team have been working with our mentor, Laura Treers, a mechanical engineering graduate student at Cal, who has been teaching how to use CAD to design. Below we included pictures of our robot as of our last meeting.

On the software side, we have been learning about encoders, which are essentially devices that can determine the position of a motor. In addition, we have been working on the autonomous code for the autonomous period of the tournament, as well as adding methods, such as, running the outtake function. All with the help of Nathan Bucki, a Cal Student, as well! We recently added a new set of wheels, called Mecanum wheels that will allow our robot to move horizontally, so the software team has been able to develop code for those wheels.

Finally, we are hoping to get an outreach project underway, by providing resources and activities to students at our local elementary schools on robotics and STEM in general. Ultimately, we are hoping to get younger kids interested in this field of study.

Thanks all again for your generous support! Have a Happy Holidays,

Roses and Rivets, All-Girls Robotics Team,

Julia Banuelos and Elizabeth Wiesbrock, co-presidents

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