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Winter 2021

Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you all for your continued support of our robotics team throughout this season! We’ve made a great amount of progress in these last two months, and are excited to share the work we’ve done with you.

One of our primary accomplishments through these months is an outreach project, which was led by Sage Mosely, a member of the hardware team. Through this, we are providing elementary school students with a variety of STEM related projects or experiments that they can do with materials at home. We are hoping to get young kids engaged in these fields early on, and encouraging them to have fun with sciences and math. You can view the pamphlet HERE. These projects are also available on our website, which we created and launched within the last months. The website will be linked below if anyone is interested in the projects, or just wants to look further into our team.

The hardware team has had tremendous progress in the past couple months, as we have been preparing for our upcoming tournaments. On the physical front, Asha Byers, has been leading our progress on our spinning outtake mechanism to shoot the rings at high speed. We have been working on upping our gear ratios to enable the wheels to spin faster. Chloe Kibarian and Sage Mosley have been working with the chassis to resize and create a more stable structure, to support the robot. Julia Banuelos has led the efforts in creating a belt system with gearing to move the rings up the robot. Finally, Anne Jumper has led, along with the help of Bree DeYoung, the CAD design of our robot.

For the software team, we have made large strides in writing the code for both the driver controlled and autonomous, or self driving, portions of the tournament. We have written the functions for all the basic controls of the robot. These include controls for driving it around, as well as the methods for picking up and shooting out rings, which are the main game piece for the tournaments. The autonomous code is also progressing nicely, as we’ve written functions for the robot to be able to drive itself certain distances in any direction, and launch rings itself. Now we are in the stages of testing and refining our code.

We are also delighted to announce our plans to enter a tournament in late March! This would be an online tournament, but we still believe that the more competitive environment would be a great way to push ourselves further, and allow us to learn more and grow as a team. Our team would not be where we are today without the help of our wonderful mentors Laura Treers and Nathan Bucki, who are Cal students in engineering fields, or without the incredible support of all of you. On behalf of the entire Roses and Rivets team, I would like to thank you all!

Thank you and best wishes,

Roses and Rivets, All-Girls Robotics Team

Julia Banuelos and Elizabeth Wiesbrock, co-presidents

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